Forgetting remembered memories!
P.M. Dawn
Peter Gabriel
Alice In Chains
The 20th Century Zoo
The Beach Boys
Robert Gordon & Chris Spedding
Fleetwood Mac
Procal Harum
Johnny Thunders
Daniel Johnston
The Drink
Scott Johnson
"I've got no memory of anything at all"

"That’s the way you lie. That’s the way people do it in court. I’ve seen it many, many times. Well, I don’t remember, but if. And she said 35 times before the FBI interview that she couldn’t remember? If you can remember and you don’t — if you say — and you say, I can’t remember, then that’s as false a perjurious statement
as if you flat-out gave a false statement."
Jeff Sessions
as if you flat-out gave a false statement."
Jeff Sessions
“History is a set of lies agreed upon.”
Napoléon Bonaparte
“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain
"I might have hit the lamp with my arm, but I don't remember!"
Dr. Vinny Boom Baa
"I might have hit the lamp with my arm, but I don't remember!"
Dr. Vinny Boom Baa

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