Remember soup? This hearty RFW stew is seasoned with tasty spices from all over the the musical map. The recipe is easy - add the following ingredients :
Jimi Hendrix, The Rolling Stones, Humble Pie, Black Uhuru, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Black Moth Super Rainbow, Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Primal Scream, Aerosmith, Warren Zevon, Garland Jeffreys, The James Gang, Fad Gadget, Buick MacKane, Iggy Pop & James Williamson, The Allman Brothers, Muddy Waters, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Can, Patti Smith, Paul Simon and The Monkees.
Mix well and heat to a rapid boil!
HAL31 is 2 Part 128k mp3 made loud to be played loud!
Part 1 is 55.1MB and 1:00:12 in length.
Part 2 is 55.4MB and 1:00:32 in length.
"Its a turn-around jump shot, its everybody jump start, its every generation throws a hero up the pop charts, medicine is magical and magical is art, the boy in the bubble, and the baby with the baboon heart"