Transmission 7213
With my eldest son, Derek visiting from the California Bay Area and my 14 year old, Curtis returning home after spending his summer in Oregon, the Wohlmen hit the road for a vacation in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire. As necessary as packing clothes and food, each of us picked CD's to serve as the soundtrack of our journey. The Kancamagus Highway was great and the music was perfect. Instead of filing them back, I decided to use a few highlights of our playlist as the basis for this free-form drive though The Archives. The miles fly by with Stone Temple Pilots, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Sublime, Guns 'n' Roses, Black Sabbath, Alice In Chains, Green Day, Cheap Trick, Aerosmith, Green Day, Santana and The Beatles!
T7213 is a 71.4mb 160k mp3 1:02:26 in length made loud to be played louder!
"hey, what are you looking at?"
*The Kancamagus Highway is a 34.5 mile drive along Rt. 112 in Northern New Hampshire. Now designated an American Scenic Byway, it takes you to an elevation of just under 3,000 feet at its highest point at Kancamagus Pass on the flank of Mt. Kancamagus near Lincoln. The pics of the boys are from the amazing Lower Falls. Check out more here!